suppliers of quality kitchen cabinets & componants
Steps to designing your own kitchen
1 Artists impression
2 floor plan
3D computer illistration
4 a small fee
go to >(Down loads page) download the following pdf
documents, print each of the 7 x A4 pages
Draw your kitchen/room over all dimentions on the
graph page 100mm to every 5 mm marking doors and
windows, now draw the outline of the kitchen in the
desired location allow 600mm for normal base,units
300mm for overhead units, 900mm-+for breakfast bar
mark & cutout each desired cabinet unit located on
the 5 sheets
Select your desired cupboard units and place on your
graph plan, starting with the base cupboards units then
tall units and last overhead units, any open seen end or
back panels add 16mm to your over all measurements
to the wall
Add up the lengh of each cupboard unit, the total
should not exceed the wall lengh, in the case of a
shortfall a fill panel can be inserted, or alternatly a
special cupboard unit built
Once you are happy with the end result tape the
cutouts to the graph page, scan and email to us for
a price stating the desired door & benchtop finishes
expected delivery timing and delivery location
optional method > to design your kitchen
online design toolkit , go to